Man's 'action movie' stunt to escape police backfires spectacularly

“He didn’t take into account that he’s not a fish," authorities said.

January 21, 2020, 5:34 AM

A man in who tried to make a daring escape from being arrested by Florida police last week ended up failing in spectacular fashion, according to authorities who apprehended him.

Daniel Christopher Booth, a 36-year-old solar power plant worker from MacClenny, Florida, was at his job on Jan 15 when the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office go word that Booth was there. Police had been searching for him and had warrants out for his arrest for selling methamphetamine.

However, when a deputy arrived at the Echo River power plant in Wellborn, Florida, Booth decided to make a run for it.

“Now we can only assume that Mr. Booth has seen one too many action movies,” said the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office in a statement on Facebook describing Booth’s escape plan of diving into a pond and hiding under water.

“[He] thought he could hide from the K9 teams from Suwannee CI and Mayo CI by hiding under the water in a pond,” the statement continued.

Deputies were immediately able to spot Booth as soon as he came up for air and they arrested him on the spot.

Daniel Christopher Booth, 36, of Baker County, Florida, was arrested by the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office near where he worked after trying to escape from the police by jumping into a pond and holding his breath on Jan. 15, 2020.
Suwannee County Sheriff's Office

“He didn’t take into account that he’s not a fish and had to come up for air and was quickly captured,” said the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office.

The police also used several humorous hashtags in their social media post making fun of Booth’s escape plan including “#NotRambo, “#BreathingIsNotOptional” and “#ActionMoviesAreNotRealLife.”

Social media users were able to find a lot of humor in Booth’s failed escape plan.

“If they hadn’t banned plastic straws he’d probably be fine. The paper one quickly dissolved, so he had to come up for air,” wrote one user.

“Shoulda used a piece of bamboo as a snorkel like the movies … if you are gonna run from police, at least be good at it,” wrote another.

Booth will face additional charges related to his “not so great escape,” said authorities.

He was transported to the Suwannee County Jail soaking wet.