Monkey Captured 2 Days After Escape From Memphis Zoo Enclosure

The 3-year-old monkey was found Saturday.

ByABC News
July 11, 2015, 12:52 PM

— -- A monkey who escaped from her enclosure at the Memphis Zoo was captured today after eluding zookeepers for nearly two days.

The 3-year-old monkey named Zimm was captured at about 9 a.m. today, zoo spokeswoman Laura Doty told ABC News. She had escaped Thursday afternoon.

Zimm was found in the zoo's drainage ditch system, Doty said. Thursday and Friday night, zookeepers put down traps baited with fresh produce to try to coax her out.

Zimm, a 3-year-old Sulaweis Macatue, was on the loose from the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, July 9, 2015.

"She obviously was hungry, so that's how we caught her," said Doty.

Zimm is receiving a physical examination today at the zoo hospital.

"She's just a very spirited, athletic animal," Doty said Friday before the monkey was captured, calling the escape "a very rare occurrence."

Memphis Zoo employees try to reach Zimm, the 3-year-old monkey who escaped from her enclosure.