NYPD Can't Find Hit-Run Suspect Who Keeps Talking to Reporters

Reporters have contacted suspect in family hit-and-run deaths, but cops have not

ByABC News
March 6, 2013, 2:46 PM

March 6, 2013— -- New York City reporters have spoken with the ex-con wanted in the hit-and-run deaths of a Brooklyn couple and their baby, but the NYPD can't catch him.

"I don't know if this is a game or what," Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said today, referring to Julio Acevedo, 44, the sole suspect in the fatal car crash. "We are actively looking for him. We're not waiting for him to turn himself in."

Acevedo on Tuesday spoke to reporters from WABC-TV and the New York Daily News on the phone and said he planned to turn himself in after getting a lawyer.

"We're told he has an attorney, but we have not spoken to an attorney," Kelly said.

Police said they questioned a man described as Acevedo's friend who helped facilitate the reporters' interviews.

Acevedo told WABC on Tuesday that he was fleeing gunfire when he drove his car into the livery cab carrying Nachman Glauber and his pregnant wife Raizel, both 21, around 12:30 a.m. Sunday. They were on their way to a hospital.

Nachman Glauber died instantly and Raizel Glauber and their unborn child were rushed to an emergency room. The mother died after delivering the baby via C-section and the baby boy died Monday morning.

"This why I am willing to turn myself in, because my heart goes out to all of those people that's feeling like I'm so much of a bad guy and I'm really not. I did not know that occurred until I seen the news. Once I seen the news, I said I have to get my attorney ready before I turn myself in," he said.

Although Acevedo claims he was fleeing gunfire at the time of the crash, police said they have found no evidence of shots fired.

Kelly said the NYPD is reconstructing the accident scene in order to build a case against Acevedo.

Acevedo has a lengthy criminal history, including manslaughter and drunk driving.