Police using caricature to find suspect after he robbed the caricaturist who had just drawn him

Police are trying to use the "exaggerated" drawing to identify the suspect.

December 18, 2019, 9:27 AM

Police investigating a robbery often ask the victim, "Did you get a good look at the perpetrator?"

A man who was robbed in Riverside, California, certainly did. He's a caricature artist, and after he finished sketching a customer last month, police say the customer grabbed his money bag and ran off -- leaving the drawing behind.

A robbery suspect is seen in a caricature that was drawn by an artist in Riverside, California, just before the suspect robbed the artist of $500 on Dec. 5, 2019.
Riverside Police Department

The odd crime occurred at the Festival of Lights event in downtown Riverside on Dec. 5, according to authorities.

Now police are using the humorous sketch in an attempt to identify the suspect through social media.

"This caricature is of the suspect, but of course, has exaggerated characteristics and features," Riverside police officials wrote on the department's Facebook page, saying that they want to speak with "anyone with information regarding the suspect’s identity."

They hope the unconventional "wanted" poster will help bring the suspect to justice.