Robbie Maddison Rides Modified Dirt Bike Through Ocean Waves

Robbie Maddison rode the waves in Tahiti on his modified bike.

ByABC News
August 3, 2015, 4:32 PM

— -- Tahiti is a surfer’s paradise. Now, it’s paradise for stunt rider Robbie Maddison.

Maddison -- who partnered with DC Shoes -- was able to fulfill a three-year dream and ride a modified-motorcycle across the waves on Tahiti’s shore.

"Life is about, you know, it is what you make it," Maddison told "Good Morning America. "You have to follow your passions in life."

"This is two passions of mine and I got to do them both at the same time so its win-win," he said.

The dramatic video shows Maddison zooming through a rainforest before trading solid ground for water.

Robbie Maddison rode a modified dirt bike on the waves in Tahiti.

He enters the water at full speed and manages to zoom across the surface with water spraying up from behind the bike.

"I just wasn't too certain with riding a 300-pound motorcycle, fully-dressed in off-road gear with a helmet and boots, and getting taken under water and the ferocity of the ocean," Maddison said. "There's a lot of unknowns that I just didn't even want to find out."

Maddison -- an X Games medalist and world-record holding athlete -– speeds past surfers into an oncoming wave. It looks like he had barely enough speed to outrun the wave, but he makes it out, with his dirt bike aiming straight for shore.

Maddison worked with DC to modify his dirt bike and add skis to the front and back wheels. The bike also has airbags -- activated if Maddison pulls the lever -- to keep the bike from sinking to the bottom of the ocean if he crashed.

"It's taught me a lot about myself," Maddison said of the experience. "I thought I'd experienced so much in my career and it's been a great ride."

"It's made me excited for the next adventure," he said.