'Start Here': Calls for Trump's labor secretary to resign over Epstein case, Obamacare in court, Perot dies at 89

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July 10, 2019, 6:18 AM

It's Wednesday, July 10, 2019. Let's start here.

1. Financier fallout

Amid growing calls for Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign in the wake of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein's arrest for alleged underage sex trafficking, President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised his cabinet member as "excellent" and said he feels "very badly" for him.

But Trump also said he would look "very carefully" at the much-criticized plea deal that Acosta negotiated with Epstein in 2008 as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida. That agreement allowed the financier, with whom Trump socialized with years ago, to serve just 13 months in jail.

Acosta has defended the non-prosecution agreement he signed off on, and he tweeted on Tuesday that he was "pleased" prosecutors in New York were "moving forward with a case based on new evidence." Those calling for him to resign argue there was enough of a case more than a decade ago to put Epstein behind bars for life, according to ABC News Chief National Correspondent Tom Llamas.

"Critics say [Acosta] had mounting evidence, he had victims, he had witnesses and yet for some reason he decided to strike a deal with Jeffrey Epstein's attorneys instead of deciding to indict Epstein on many of the crimes that we're now talking about so many years later," Llamas tells us.

2. Obamacourt

A federal appeals court in New Orleans heard the latest legal challenge to Obamacare on Tuesday and appeared skeptical of arguments from defenders of the Affordable Care Act that the individual mandate to purchase health insurance is constitutional.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the mandate was only permissible under Congress' power to tax, but the Republican-led Congress in 2017 zeroed out the financial penalty in the GOP tax law after failing to fully repeal Obamacare.

A decision isn't expected until September, but the case likely will go to the Supreme Court just in time for the 2020 presidential race, according to ABC News' Devin Dwyer: "We could be headed to a scenario where health care is front and center as voters start heading to the polls."

Protesters rally during U.S. House voting on the American Health Care Act, which repeals major parts of the 2000 Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., May 4, 2017.
Yuri Gripas/Reuters, FILE

3. The One With Ross' Runs for President

Billionaire Ross Perot, a two-time independent presidential candidate, has died of leukemia at 89.

When he ran against George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton in 1992, he won the support of 19% of Americans across the political spectrum, a rarity for recent third-party candidates who've tried to break out from the two-party system, says ABC News Political Analyst Cokie Roberts.

"We have more dissatisfaction, but we don't have an alternative," Roberts tells us. "The truth is, it's very, very difficult, partly because of the rules, partly because of the money, partly because the two parties have arranged a system where it's very difficult to take them on. It's very hard to find someone who can appeal to enough people to say, 'I should be another party,' and people keep trying and keep failing."

Democratic candidate Bill Clinton, center speaks, while Independent candidate H. Ross Perot, left and U.S. President George Bush look on, during the first debate in St. Louis, Oct. 11, 1992.
Greg Gibson/AP, FILE

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When asked how she felt about being part of a dynasty, U.S. soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe said, "I think it suits us. This team fits well into that word."

The U.S. women's national team is back home after a historic World Cup win and the celebrations have just begun -- a ticker-tape parade for the ladies will be held in New York City today.

The U.S. broke its own record for the most FIFA Women's World Cup titles, with four, and joins Germany as the only other country to win back-to-back cups.

Rose Lavelle celebrates with Emily Sonnett and teammates at full-time after winning the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup France Final match between the U.S. and The Netherlands at Stade de Lyon on July 07, 2019 in Lyon, France.
Richard Heathcote/Getty Images

For midfielder Rose Lavelle, the 2-0 championship over the Netherlands was the manifestation of something she'd worked toward her whole life.

"It's kind of something you've always envisioned yourself doing," she said, "so I never like to call it a dream, because it was something I really felt would be a reality someday."