'Time stopped': Lobbyist shot at congressional baseball practice describes the harrowing scene

The lobbyist was shot when a gunman opened fire on lawmakers in June.

ByABC News
September 4, 2017, 7:34 AM

— -- Matt Mika, the lobbyist who was shot multiple times on June 14 when a gunman opened fire at lawmakers practicing for a charity congressional baseball game, spoke out, recounting the harrowing scene. "Time stopped. It just stopped," he said.

"I could see his eyes and the gun, but that was it," Mika, 38, said of the moment he saw the gunman, in an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America." "After that, I was like, 'I've got to get out of here. I've got to run as fast as I can and move.'"

At least 21 GOP lawmakers, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, gathered for a practice on that morning at a park in Alexandria, Virginia, when the shooter, James Hodgkinson, opened fire, injuring four people before he was shot and killed by police.

"The incident took six minutes, according to police reports," Mika said, adding that to him it felt like 35 or 40 minutes. "Time stopped. It just stopped.

"We all yelled 'Gun!' I don't know who yelled it first, and we started running," he said, saying he cannot recall exactly when he was first shot. "All I know is when I got around to the gate, I had blood all over my chest, on my pants."

PHOTO: Matt Mika, left, is pictured with his girlfriend Kristi Boswell.
Matt Mika, left, is pictured with his girlfriend Kristi Boswell. Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, suffered multiple gunshot wounds after a gunman opened fire during a practice for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Va., June 14, 2017.
Courtesy Matt Mika

While he was running from the gunman, Mika said, he saw the 10-year-old son of Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, and he pushed the boy into the safety of a concrete dugout.

"At some point I grabbed him, pushed him down," Mika said.

At a news conference on the afternoon of the shooting, Barton got emotional, saying his son had "25 dads today" as everyone looked out for him when the gunfire began.

Mika said he then hid behind an SUV in the parking lot when he was shot again, and he recalled how members of Scalise's security detail, Capitol Police Officers Crystal Griner and David Bailey, fearlessly jumped into action to protect those around them.

PHOTO: Pictured (L-R) are Capitol Hill police officer Crystal Griner, Matt Mika and Capitol Hill police officer David Bailey.
Pictured (L-R) are Capitol Hill police officer Crystal Griner, Matt Mika and Capitol Hill police officer David Bailey. Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, suffered multiple gunshot wounds after a gunman opened fire during a practice for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Va., June 14, 2017.
Courtesy Matt Mika

"She shielded me behind the SUV. She got shot in the ankle at some point, fell on top of me, used her gun to get back up and re-engaged in the shooter," Mika said of Griner.

Mika said that if Griner and Bailey had not been at the scene that day, "I wouldn't be here right now. And we'd be talking about a massacre."

Although Mika is still in physical therapy, he told ABC News he hopes to get back on the field next year.

"I want to be out here more. This is supposed to be a safe haven. This is the sandlot," he said while standing on the baseball field where he was shot. "This is where people come to have fun. You're not supposed to have any violence or guns or shooting, so we have to be better than that."

PHOTO: Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, suffered multiple gunshot wounds after a gunman open fired during a practice for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Va., June 14, 2017.
Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, suffered multiple gunshot wounds after a gunman opened fire during a practice for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Va., June 14, 2017.
Courtesy Matt Mika

ABC News' Emily Shapiro and Karma Allen contributed to this report