Vietnam vet fighting for life after brutal beating at his home

Police found Willie Boyd, 71, unconscious in front of a neighbor’s home.

ByABC News
March 15, 2018, 5:52 PM

A Vietnam veteran is fighting for his life after a brutal beating at his New York City home, authorities said.

Police say they responded to an early-morning call on March 7 and found Willie Boyd, 71, unconscious in front of a neighbor’s home in the Parkchester neighborhood of The Bronx.

Boyd had placed a late-night call to police to report that he had been punched twice in the back of the head by a man he owed money to, authorities said.

Vietnam vet Willie Boyd.

Hours later, a neighbor called police when he found Boyd near his door. Boyd’s daughter, Vilmaris Hodge, says doctors told her he endured severe trauma to the brain. She says he is currently only able to open his eyes, but is unresponsive and requires a feeding tube.

Investigators, who are reviewing surveillance video from the apartment complex, said they believe five men entered the building around 12:45 in the morning and forcefully tried to open Boyd’s apartment door.

Police believe Boyd was assaulted when he stepped out into the lobby. A camera captured four of the men leaving the building and carrying two white bags. It’s possible that the fifth suspect exited through a different door, police said.

Vilmaris Hodge, daughter to Vietnam vet Willie Boyd, speaks with WABC about her father's condition after being beaten, March 15, 2018.

A neighbor, who often helps take care of Boyd, found him incoherent shortly thereafter, authorities said.

Willie Boyd is a gracious man and a great father, his son William Boyd said. He has another son who’s serving in the military.

William Boyd said his father is a proud veteran who wears his Vietnam War hat daily.

Family members said they believe someone has information about the attack but may be afraid to come forward.

Vilmaris Hodge, daughter of Vietnam Vet Willie Boyd, hangs up flyers about her father.

William Boyd also has a message for whoever hurt his father.

“You’re probably a kid who is misguided and doing this for some sort of rank in a gang,” he said. “I don’t want you dead; I just want justice.”