Winter storm on the way for the Northeast

Snow will hit the I-95 corridor on Saturday.

ByABC News
February 16, 2018, 6:23 AM

— -- Heavy rain and storms moved through Ohio Valley and parts of the Northeast overnight Friday, but it's a second line of storms which will bring snow to the region on Saturday.

The storm system already brought snow to parts of Colorado, including up to 18 inches in some parts and a few inches just west of Denver.

A winter storm watch has already been posted for part of the I-95 corridor from Pennsylvania to Massachusetts, including New York City, Hartford, Connecticut, and Boston.

A winter storm watch was already in place in parts of the Northeast ahead of a storm expected on Saturday.

The storm is expected to move east from the Rockies on Saturday and will move into the Washington, D.C. area around 5 p.m.

The snow arrives in the Washington, D.C. area in late afternoon on Saturday.

The snow will begin in New York City around 8 p.m. Saturday evening.

Snow will move into the New York City region around 8 p.m. on Saturday.

Snow begins in Boston closer to midnight.

Snow will arrive in Boston just before midnight and leave 3 to 6 inches.

The heaviest snow is expected away from the coast: west of Washington, D.C., west of Philadelphia, north of New York City and west of Boston, where locally 7 inches could accumulate.

In the major cities along the I-95 corridor, it looks like there could be up to 1 inch in Washington, D.C., 1 to 3 inches in Philadelphia, 2 to 4 inches in New York City, 4 to 7 inches in Hartford and 3 to 6 inches in Boston.

Temperatures will be mild, just near freezing, so most major roads will be wet.

The heaviest snow will fall in Connecticut, West Virginia and west of Philadelphia.

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