New York Woman Narrowly Escapes After Tree Crashes Through Bedroom

She was pinned by the tree for two hours.

ByABC News
July 27, 2015, 12:37 PM

— -- A 20-year-old woman got an early wake-up call when a massive tree crashed into her bedroom Monday morning - trapping her for hours until rescuers could unpin her from its limbs.

The 5,000-pound tree fell onto the woman's bedroom just after midnight in Great Neck, New York, a spokesperson for the Nassau County Police Department told ABC News today. The woman, who was in bed at the time, was trapped by the tree and debris for more than two hours, the spokesperson said.

Firefighters told WABC that they had to take down power lines and create a hole through the roof before cutting the woman free.

“They stabilized the tree as best they could ... and notched the tree out to lift the limb around eight inches off of her and were able to slide her out,” said Joshua Forst, chief of the Vigilant Fire Company in Great Neck.

A tree fell on a woman while she slept in her bed in Great Neck, NY, July 27, 2015.

Steven Blocker, a paramedic firefighter with the Vigilant Fire Company, lives across the street and responded to the scene.

“I hear this whooshing sound," he said, "It turns out it was the tree falling."

He added, "I thought this was a tree falling on the house and hit a window, but it was a one in a million chance for it to fall directly on someone."

Multiple fire departments worked with the Nassau County Police Department to free the victim, according to the press release from the Nassau County Police Department.

The victim is being treated for multiple trauma injuries and is in serious but stable condition, according to the press release.