YouTube Pulls Graphic MIA Music Video From Internet -- Was It the Right Decision?

"World News" wants to know what you think.

ByABC News
April 27, 2010, 9:09 AM

April 27, 2010— -- Controversial singer MIA has released a music video so graphic it has been banned from YouTube.

The nine-minute video for her new song, "Born Free," was released on her website Monday. The politically driven video looks more like a movie or documentary, depicting red-headed boys getting blown apart and beaten violently by U.S. soldiers in a desert.

YouTube reportedly pulled the video from its U.S. site, telling the BBC that its rules "prohibit content like pornography or gratuitous violence."

Other websites are still hosting the video, which shows full-frontal nudity and graphically violent scenes. If you want to see for yourself, you can view it here:

Our question to you today: Was YouTube right to pull MIA's video?