Authors' Tip: 'A Contract with Your Parents'

ByABC News
November 26, 2006, 4:53 PM

Nov. 26, 2006 — -- Moving back in with your parents -- or having adult children come back to the nest -- is a big transition for everyone involved. The "Contract" below gives parents and their adult kids an opportunity to sit down and have a conversation about everyone's expectations and responsibilities.

Think of this as a lease with your parents; sit down and negotiate the terms with them -- including chores, length, and renewal conditions of both parties.

I,  (tenant's name)                   will live with  (landlord/parent's name)                   from  (start date)                   until  (end date)                   -- for a maximum of six months, renewable if the following conditions are met (conditions renegotiable on the first of each month).

Landlord must:

Adhere to rules requested by tenant, for example:

Tenant must:

     Month 1: Spend         hours per week researching careers.

     Month 2: Apply for         jobs per week, continuously for six months or until job is found.

     Month 3: If no job is found at this point, tenant must temp or work part-time.

     Tell parents when you'll be home and at dinner.

     Keep your room somewhat clean -- at least no dishes or old food scattered around your room.


Rent or other monthly contribution:



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