A Note from Barbara Walters

Dec. 8, 2004 -- -- Hi.

Remember me? I haven't written to you in a while because I have been busy working on what I think is a terrific special ... if I do say so myself. It is "The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2004." The special airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time, 8:00 p.m. Central. We have been doing the "Fascinating People" specials for the past l1 years but this is the best list we have ever had.

Here's the list:

Oprah Winfrey: She turned 50 this year and the whole country celebrated with her. We always find her fascinating but this year more than ever. Oprah feels her whole life has come into focus. She says she feels more alive, emotionally and physically. Oprah also gets deeply personal, telling us why she doesn't want to have children or get married.

Ken Jennings: The biggest winner ever of "Jeopardy," Jennings is a charming, modest fellow who says that even his 2-year-old says "Who is Ken Jennings" instead of "Daddy."

Donald Trump: The ultimate deal maker now with "The Apprentice," which premiered last year, is a bigger deal than ever before. You will also meet his divine fiancée, Melania.

Usher: The R&B star, who sold more records than any other artist this year, sings for us and even tries to teach me to dance the way he does. As they say, "good luck."

The Google Guys, Sergey Brin and Larry Page: Billionaires who still live the way they used to before Google. How did we ever get along without Google?

Michael Moore: Love him or hate him, his documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" is the highest grossing documentary of all time. Wait until you hear his choices for president in 2008.

Mel Gibson: ...and his passion for "The Passion of the Christ."

Curt Schilling: The Boston Red Sox pitcher who pitched his team to an amazing victory and helped win the World Series despite a wounded ankle that bled onto his red socks while he was throwing the winning balls.

Paris Hilton: Don't raise your eyebrows. You can't pick up a magazine without seeing her photograph. She also now has a best selling book, a perfume, jewelry, two movies, etc. She's famous for being famous and it all came about from a private porno flick that became public. For the first time, she talks about it. By the way, I tried to dress hip by wearing a leather skirt and boots. Paris tried to look dignified, in a pink knitted suit, not a belly button in sight. We should have traded places.

Now then, No. 10 on our list is THE most fascinating person. We keep it a secret until the end of the program. Try guessing. I'll bet you are right.

I hope you will watch. The program is informative and fun.

It's good to talk with you again.