New York 3rd District special election: Suozzi projected to defeat Pilip for seat vacated by Santos

Democrats cut into Republicans’ already narrow House majority.

Democrat Tom Suozzi has won the special election in New York’s 3rd District, defeating Republican Mazi Pilip to flip a House seat from red to blue. (The seat was formerly held by Republican Rep. George Santos, who was expelled from Congress in December after a series of scandals.) As a result, Republicans’ already narrow House majority has been reduced to 219-213.

Throughout the night, 538 reporters, analysts and contributors have been live-blogging the results in real time and breaking down what (if anything) they mean for November. Read our full analysis below.


There's a new member of Election Twitter

—Nathaniel Rakich, 538

The Squad shrugs off Suozzi ties

Pilip and Republicans in the district attempted to smear Suozzi with an attack they figured would brandish him with a big, fat Scarlet Letter here: Friend of the Squad. But Rep. Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez on CNN just now put major distance between her progressive group and the incredibly moderate Suozzi, who is the sort of Democrat who likely wouldn't even know what a DSA rose emoji on social media means: "The idea that we're part of the same kind of cadre in Congress is incorrect, it's wrong. But that doesn't mean that we're not on the same team." AOC went on to call Pilip's attempt to paint Suozzi as part of merry band of lefty Congressional troublemakers as "desperate."

And if early returns from Queens are any indication, it seems like those attempts didn't quite land.

—Brittany Shepherd, ABC News

We do have precinct results! Sorta.

I spoke too soon about not having precinct results in the 3rd District. Ben Rosenblatt, a Democratic data guru in New York politics, is hosting a precinct map of the results on his website — though there's a question about whether Nassau County will make precinct-level data available at all. Still, the map of Queens is pretty!

—Nathaniel Rakich, 538

No matter who wins, we're going to be talking about immigration

I'm thinking about what we are going to take away from this evening. I think either party can try to spin their way out of a bad performance, based on the weather, the uniqueness of the candidates or the nature of special elections. But either way, people are going to be talking about immigration. According to polls it is the most important issue to all voters in the district, and it was the issue that saw the most ad spending by a significant clip.

The interesting thing, though, as far as takeaways are concerned, is that both candidates have been pretty hawkish on immigration, and Suozzi has tried to create distance from his own party on the issue. So if Pilip wins, the lesson is sort of, "Oh boy, Democrats are screwed on the issue of immigration in these kinds of competitive areas of the country." But on the other hand, if Suozzi wins, the lesson is still likely to be, "If Democrats want to win in these kinds of districts, they may need to mimic Suozzi's toughness on immigration."

—Galen Druke, 538