Whistleblower Frances Haugen calls Facebook danger to children and democracy

She said it knows its algorithms are harmful but puts "profits before people."

A Senate subcommittee on Tuesday heard from a whistleblower who claims Facebook manipulated content it knew was harmful to young users, a day after the social media giant experienced an apparently unrelated massive outage.

Frances Haugen, who revealed her identity during a Sunday interview on CBS' "60 Minutes," has been cooperating with a Senate Commerce subcommittee as part of its ongoing efforts to assess potential regulation of the platform. Haugen told lawmakers on Tuesday about documentation she said show the company -- and CEO Mark Zuckerberg -- intentionally ignored proof of its potentially harmful impact on users.

Facebook has publicly disputed Haugen's claims.


Blumenthal promises 'riveting testimony'

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., who chairs the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Data Security, promised "riveting" testimony that would prove to be a "breakthrough moment" ahead of Tuesday's hearing.

"This whistleblower is one gutsy, smart, strong woman who is speaking truth to the nation about how Facebook is dragging children into dark places and deepening their insecurities with online bullying, self-injuries, suicide, eating disorders, and I think she will tell us what it's like to see the top Facebook executives make decisions that profit Facebook at the expense of children's safety, how they put children’s safety above -- below profit-making motive," Blumenthal told reporters Monday evening.

Blumenthal said the documents Haugen has provided show a "searing indictment of the top corporate management of Facebook ignoring their own study, their own surveys and research that showed how they were putting kids in danger, just so they could profit more."

He also alleged Facebook has been "utterly unresponsive" to the committee's requests to disclose their own studies and said he hopes Haugen coming forward will encourage other whistleblowers.

Whistleblower to testify before Senate panel

Frances Haugen, a former Facebook data scientist turned whistleblower, is scheduled to testify before the Senate Consumer Protection Subcommittee at 10 a.m. on Facebook and Instagram’s impacts on young users in a hearing entitled, "Protecting Kids Online: Testimony from a Facebook Whistleblower. "

Beyond alleging Facebook’s knowledge of its platforms’ negative impact on teenagers and young girls, Haugen has reportedly come forward with documents showing the social media giant has also ignored but is aware of how hate speech and misinformation are emphasized on their sites.

Haugen, who revealed her identity during a Sunday interview on CBS' "60 Minutes" has been cooperating with the offices of Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., chair and ranking member of the Senate committee that is assessing potential regulations for the social media giant.

Lawmakers raise having 2nd hearing on Haugen's national security concerns

After whistleblower Frances Haugen raised concerns around Facebook's resourcing of counterterrorism and teams intended to counter foreign influence, lawmakers opened the door to holding another hearing.

"I believe Facebook's consistent understaffing of the counterespionage, information operations and counterterrorism teams is a national security issue, and I'm speaking to other parts of Congress about that," Haugen said.

Sen. Dan, Sullivan, R-Alaska, followed up, "So you're saying in essence that the platform, whether Facebook knows it or not, is being utilized by some of our adversaries in a way that helps push and promote their interests at the expense of America's?"

"Yes," she replied. "Facebook is very aware that this is happening on the platform, and I believe the fact that Congress doesn't get a report of exactly how many people are working on these things internally is unacceptable because you have a right to keep the American people safe."

“I have strong national security concerns about how Facebook operates today,” she added.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., then raised the possibility of holding a second hearing with Haugen on the issue and went on to thank her for her bravery and called for other whistleblowers to come forward.