Can We Not: Four 90s Trends That Should Stay Dead

The current style revival is cool, as long as it doesn't include these.

Aug. 28, 2013— -- The most important thing to have happened at this year's VMAs was, very obviously, Willow Smith's tattoo choker necklace. These necklaces were one of my favorite things from the internet's current favorite decade, the 90s. They were very Suburban Goth-Lite Chic in the vein of The Craft and Wet Seal.

This, then, is a 90s trend that should and must return. But that's not to say that we should welcome the 90s back wholesale like a prodigal son, forgiving all its previous crushed-velvet, empire-waisted trespasses. The 90s are already back in a huge way, of course, with the rise of neon and overalls and crop tops, and lists about remembering Lisa Frank products. But there are still more trends to either summon back from the dead, or hope remain buried, 4ever.

  • 1. Big Hoop Earrings
  • 2. Minimalism
  • 3. Giant-ass Pants
  • 4. Baby-Doll Dresses
  • 1. Bucket Hats
  • 2. Puka-Shell Necklaces
  • 3. Multiple Tiny Buns
  • 4. Thongs