Why Can't People on Twitter Sleep? #WhyICan'tSleepAtNight

This trending hashtag tells us what's keeping America up late.

May 8, 2013— -- What's keeping people up and online at night? What are those very important topics trending through the wee hours of the morning? What Eli Roth production has Twitter users leaving the lights on? Or more simply put: WHY ARE TWEETERS NOT SLEEPING?!?

According to the trending hashtag #WhyICan'tSleepAtNight, we can all rest easy that absolutely nobody on Twitter has serious insomnia. What these people need is to meet Justin Bieber or a One Directioner face to face so they can shut up about it. Or maybe that'll just make things worse.

Humanity is still letting me down as these trending hashtags keep getting worse every week. See last week's Please Stop Trending: #SelfFact or #ThingsISayInSchoolTheMost. I'm scared there just isn't a cure for the epidemic that is Bieber Fever, and anyone with anything worthwhile to say will continue to fade into the noise.

Does this girl have Justin Bieber duct taped to her wall with Justin Bieber duct tape? Or does she have 64 Bieber posters in her room? How does one own 64 Bieber posters?

What are you doing during the day that's making the night your solace?

I highly doubt that.

Either you're going to sleep in the middle of the day or your mom needs to learn when it is appropriate to vacuum.

Yeah. It is stupid, isn't it? Maybe you could take a break from it for a while.

Yes. Yes it does.



I think you mean "besides school" or "apart from school" you fake avatar you.

Somebody please help the internet.

Seriously. Someone please help.

"Like love and those stuff."

Per usual, we'll end on a high note. It might not be a good reason but at least Ronnie knows what he's talking about and is releasing some not-as-empty information into the internet.Truth.