Exclusive: Secret Service Prostitute Dania Londono Regrets Sex Scandal

Dania Londono got Intimate With Univision News

Oct. 25, 2012— -- Colombian escort girl Dania Londoño regretted her involvement in a sex scandal that led to the resignation of several members of the U.S. Secret Service this spring.

In an emotional interview with Univision News, (see video above) Londoño said that the unexpected fame that the scandal bestowed upon her had scarred her for life.

"This is something that emotionally marked me and made me feel very sad," Londoño said.

"It was a tragedy" Londoño added, explaining that following the incident, which was widely reported on across the world, she was forced to tell her mother that she was in the sex business, and one day, will also have to break the news to her small son.

In April, Londoño participated in a sex party held by ten U.S. Secret Service agents and at least eight members of the U.S. military, who picked up prostitutes at Cartagena nightclubs on the eve of President Obama's visit to that Colombian city for the Summit of the Americas.

One of the agents promised Londoño $800 for her sexual services, but when he refused to pay up, Londoño formed a ruckus at Cartagena's Hotel Caribe and alerted local police to the misbehavior happening that night.

Londoño's role in the sex scandal thrust her into the international limelight and made her an instant celebrity in her native Colombia. But in Thursday's interview with Univision, Londoño said that she is finding it hard to handle all this fame.

"I don't' know why society has such double standards with regards to sex…people are always trying to judge me," Londoño told Univision reporter Juan Carlos Aguiar.

Londoño recently published a book about her life, in which she writes about her night with the raunchy Secret Service agents. But she refused to reveal details of that sex party to Aguiar, encouraging him instead to read the book.

Londoño also said that she has retired from prostitution, and plans to start a foundation that helps to find job alternatives for women who want to leave the sex trade.

In a lighter section of the interview, Aguiar asked Londoño how she managed to seduce so many men throghout her career as an escort girl, and asked her if she had any tips for women watching the interview.

"What I tell women…is to be very caring, comprehensive and loving," Londoño said. "If men come home to a complaining woman, they will eventually get tired, and they will go to the street and look for a woman like the one I was before."