3:05 Is Miami's Official Coffee Time
Thanks to social media push, the city of Miami has an official coffee time.
July 26, 2013 -- A year ago JennyLee Molina was having her usual coffee break when she glanced at her watch and realized it was 3:05 p.m. Of course, 305 is Miami's area code, and as the social media savvy, coffee lover and proud Miamian that she is, JennyLee took a picture and tweeted out a pic of her cafecito using the hashtag #305cafecito for fun. Before she knew it, the hashtag took off and a social media campaign to make 3:05 p.m. Miami's official coffee time went viral.
This past April, Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado turned JennyLee's campaign a reality and proclaimed 3:05 p.m. Miami's official cafecito time.
"It's very exciting to be part of something that has grown so much even though it was just for fun," said JennyLee, who's 31 and runs her own PR firm, JLPR.
For JennyLee, who is born and raised in Miami by way of Cuban parents, the #305cafecito campaign is a way to preserve her own cultural background, something that resonated with many first and second generation Latinos like her.
"The name itself is in Spanglish [3:05 Cafecito], and it really says a lot about our culture as US Hispanics, as first generation Americans, how we have evolved the conversation and are still holding our traditions and heritage close but with a twist. We have taken it to another level with social media and the whole modernization of your coffee break," she said.
We met JennyLee during our coffee break at one of the most iconic ventanitas in Miami, Mary's Coin Laundry. Ventanitas, which is Spanish for little window, are Miami's original social network, to borrow JennyLee's own words, and are coffee take out windows.
What would be your city's official coffee time?