Nevada Will Award Driver's Licenses to DREAMers

Deferred action recipients will be eligible for Nevada driver's licenses.

Nov. 29, 2012— -- Young people granted a reprieve from deportation through deferred action will be eligible for Nevada driver's licenses and state IDs, state officials told the Las Vegas Sun.

"These individuals will not be treated any differently under Nevada law than any other noncitizen applying for an identification card or driver's license," Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles spokesman Kevin Malone told the paper.

See Also: How DREAMers Made the Deferred Action Program a Reality

The DMV will accept the employment authorization card issued to young people granted deferred action. The card is issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

"As long as all of the DMV procedures are followed and other forms of identification are valid, I support this policy," Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval said in a statement, according to the Sun.

Some states, including Arizona and Nebraska, have said they will not issue licenses to undocumented immigrants even if they have the card. Others, including Florida and California, will issue licenses to deferred action recipients.

Immigrant-rights groups filed a lawsuit today that challenges Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's August executive order to deny young undocumented immigrants driver's licenses.