Andrew Warren

The former CIA station Chief in Algeria was accused of raping Muslim women.

Dec. 14, 2009 — -- America's standing in the Muslim World was dealt a blow in January with the explosive allegation that the station chief at one of the CIA's most sensitive posts in the Middle East had raped at least two Muslim women.

Andrew Warren, the agency's former station chief in Algiers, lost his job and was indicted in the U.S. on sexual assault charges after ABC News first reported the story.

A government affidavit detailed the accusations from two victims who claimed Warren laced their drinks with a knock-out drug before sexually assaulting them. One of the alleged victims said that she felt a "violent onset of nausea" after Warren prepared her a mixed drink at a party at his residence at the U.S. Embassy.

She told investigators that when she woke up the next morning, she was lying in a bed naked and realized she had had sexual intercourse but had no memory of it.

Warren has pleaded not guilty. His lawyer, Morton Taubman, said his client was "not guilty. He is innocent."

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