Tareq and Michaele Salahi

Congress subpoened this couple after they crashed the White House State Dinner.

Dec. 14, 2009 — -- Just how Tareq and Michaele Salahi managed to gain entry to the White House without an official invitation to President Obama's first state dinner Nov. 24 is still a mystery, but the intrigue surrounding the now infamous "gatecrashing" incident is certainly not.

The Salahis, who have been filming scenes for Bravo's upcoming "The Real Housewives of Washington, D.C." show, became household names overnight. They have since refused to attend testify before a hearing on the incident by the House Homeland Security Committee.

The Secret Service has acknowledged proper procedures were not followed at the checkpoint that night, where at least one agent actually checked a guest list for the Salahis' names and, not finding them there, still allowed the couple to proceed to the next checkpoint inside the White House complex.

The Salahis have insisted they were invited to the White House and did nothing wrong.

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