Dear ABC News Fixer: I Just Want My Refund From Comcast!

Dear Kristen: We were able to cut through the red tape...

March 28, 2013 — -- Dear ABC News Fixer: I just want my refund from Comcast! It's only 60-something dollars, but I am so frustrated.

I moved across town at the end of October. I had Comcast cable and Internet at my previous residence but decided to switch to satellite when I moved.

After the switch, I promptly mailed my old equipment to Comcast and then called to confirm that it had been received.

They had told me I had a $60 credit that would be refunded as soon as they received the equipment. About a month later, I still hadn't received the refund, so I called and was told that only my cable receiver had been returned -- not my cable modem.

The problem is I never had a Comcast cable modem. I had purchased a Zoom cable modem from Best Buy.

I have called Comcast countless times and I'm always told that my refund hasn't been processed because my modem wasn't returned. When I explain, the rep always verifies that the modem listed on my account is a Zoom modem and always promises to put in a request to have the account updated (apparently this is something that has to come from a higher level). But the refund never comes through. Help!

- Kristen Lucas, Houston, Texas

Dear Kristen: By the time you came to the ABC News Fixer, you had spent four months and dozens of phone calls in a New York City Marathon-level runaround.

Apparently, no one was able to figure out how to note on your account that you couldn't return a modem you never had.

Happily, we were able to cut through the red tape. We got in touch with Michael Bybee, a senior PR manager at the cable giant, and he got on the case immediately. He called you personally to apologize for the holdup; you got your $66.93 refund a few days later.

- The ABC News Fixer

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