Royal Wedding Risk: Scotland Yard Nixes Muslim Group's Westminster Abbey Protest

"Muslims Against Crusades" calls Scotland Yard's decision "irrelevant."

April 19, 2011 — -- Scotland Yard has rejected a Muslim activist group's application to demonstrate at Westminster Abbey during the upcoming royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton for "obvious" security reasons, but the group said it is planning to protest anyway.

"Whether Scotland Yard gives us permission or not is irrelevant," a spokesman for the group "Muslims Against Crusades" told ABC News today. "We plan to make the Royal Wedding a day that the world will never forget and although we are non-violent, we are confident that our presence will be enough to make a nightmare out of the situation, God willing."

A spokesman for the London police force told ABC News that "of course" security concerns were a consideration when the application for demonstration outside Westminster Abbey on the April 29 wedding day was rejected, but also, "There's a wedding going on... It's not appropriate." He said they are in negotiations to find a more suitable location for the demonstration.

Scotland Yard would not comment on whether they considered Muslims Against Crusades a direct threat to the royal couple and spectators' safety, but security officials previously told ABC News they are more concerned the group's vague threats could spurn violence by other, "self-radicalized" Muslims.

For weeks Muslims Against Crusades has posted on its website a continuous countdown clock to the wedding under the title "Muslims to Disrupt Royal Wedding." The site features pictures of the "Crusader" royal family members -- including one that labels Prince Harry a Nazi.

"Unfortunately, Britain's continued interference in Muslim lands is showing no signs of abating," a statement posted on the website reads. "In light of this, sincere Muslims have decided to organize a forceful demonstration."

The statement goes on to call for Prince William to "withdraw from the crusader British military," promising a "nightmare" on his wedding day should he refuse.

The group claims to have "hundreds if not thousands" of supporters in the U.K. and abroad, but said they are uncertain how the demonstration will turn out.

Scotland Yard said it is also in negotiations with another group, the right-wing opponents of "global jihad" English Defence League, to find a safe location for a similar demonstration which they are planning.

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Big Brother, 'Ring of Steel' to Protect Royal Wedding

Far beyond protestors, English security officials have been planning for months to protect the royal couple and the countless spectators from a potential terrorist threat.

Vigilant authorities have build multiple layers of heavy security around the processional route Prince William and Kate Middleton will take on their wedding day.

From making full use of London's robust closed circuit television (CCTV) camera system, to dispatching hundreds of undercover police officers and even inspecting and sealing sewer drains, authorities are pulling out all stops to protect the prince, the future princess and the throngs of spectators expected to turn out for the wedding procession, officials told ABC News.

Though there has been no specific threat against the wedding, bomb-sniffing dogs, hazardous material teams, riot police and roof-top snipers will be dispatched on the day of the ceremony, and foreign intelligence services will also be participating in the massive security effort, they said.

Anjem Choudary, a radical Muslim activist and leader of the now-banned group Islam4UK, has been linked to Muslims Against Crusades and has coordinated anti-American demonstrations with them in the past, according to both groups' websites. He said the royal wedding would "certainly be a target for those who want to cause havoc in Britain," including Al Qaeda.

READ: Britain's Security Blanket for Royal Wedding Terror Triple Threat

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