Fired Alaskan Official Says Palin Hasn't Been Truthful

Monegan says he was dismissed for his refusal to fire Governor's former in-law.

Sept. 4, 2008— -- The fired Alaskan official, whose dismissal has become the subject of a state senate committee's investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin, has told ABC News that she has not been entirely truthful on the matter.

In a telephone interview Wednesday, Walt Monegan, the former Alaskan Public Safety Commissioner, said he was dismissed because he refused to fire the Governor's former brother-in-law, a state trooper.

"I believe I was fired because of, primarily the reason of her former brother-in-law," Monegan said. "I think that my unwillingness to take special action against her former brother-in-law was not well received."

Monegan says he believes that the Governor has not told the truth about what happened.

"I think there are some questions now that, coming to light about how transparent and how honest she wants to be," Monegan said.

The allegation against the Governor, which she denies, is that she wanted her former brother-in-law fired and pushed the Monegan to do it.

Palin has said she did nothing wrong and that she fired Monegan over a disagreement with him on budget priorities.

But the head of the state senate committee, a Democrat, now investigating the allegations says it smacks of abuse of power.

"You should never use your public office to settle a private score," said Sen. Hollis French. "And that's what the legislature is looking into, to what degree did the Governor's personal family relationship inject or get introduced into her work as Governor."

Palin has denied that Monegan's dismissal has anything to do with a family feud.

"It has absolutely nothing to do with replacing the Commissioner as we are trying to move forward with more energy in a new department," the Governor said in July.

But Palin's denials began to be challenged with the release of an audio tape of a telephone call between a member of her staff, Frank Bailey, and a state police official.

Bailey asks the officials why there's been reluctance to fire the brother in law.

"The Palins can't figure out why nothing's going on. And here's the problem that's gonna happen is that, there is a possibility because Wooten is an ex-husband of the governor's sister, and there is a custody situation, there is a strong possibility that the Governor herself may get subpoenaed to talk about all this stuff on the stand. Right in the coming months, which would be, it would be ugly," Bailey says.

"I mean, you know, I don't think anybody wants that. But you know, Todd and Sarah are scratching their heads, you know, why on Earth -- why is this guy still representing the department?," he asks.

And then later, a more direct reference to the commissioner Walt Monegan.

"I'm telling you honestly, I mean, she really likes Walt a lot, but on this issue, she feel like she doesn't know why there is absolutely no action for a year on this issue. It's very, very troubling to her and the family," Bailey said.

The Governor has told reporters in Alaska the phone call was harmless.

"It seemed to be he just inquiring I think trying to process what do you do if there are complaints against a trooper and what is the status of this trooper," Palin said last month.

"Though you will hear on the CD that it does sound like he's calling on behalf of the Governor, Sarah, he refers to me as Sarah. He's asking on behalf of me," she explained.

But Sen. French says the issue has resulted in a credibility gap for the Governor.

"There's the issue of the Frank Bailey call suggesting that the Palins are upset, the Palins are confused, the Palins don't understand why this person is still working for the Department of Public Safety," said French. "So I believe there's evidence out there that's going to be damaging to the Governor's position."

As for Monegan, he says he is disappointed in a woman for whom he once had high regard.

"It disappoints me and it's because I expected more from her. I expected so much more and I just wish it hadn't," Monegan said.

"None of this gives me either pride or pleasure being involved in this because I've been part of the government. Bottom line is I would like to see the truth, that's all."

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