Al Qaeda Called for Pakistan Attack

Militant leader urged strikes in just-released Sept. 11 anniversary video.

Sept. 20, 2008 -- Al Qaeda's Sept. 11 anniversary propaganda tape, blocked from release until Friday, called for new attacks on Pakistan because of its role as a "puppet regime" in helping the United States.

The 90-minute tape, "Results of Seven Years of Crusades," featured a long statement from a senior al Qaeda leader, Mustafa Abu al-Yazidd, who called on sympathizers in Pakistan to act.

There has been no claim of responsibility for today's deadly truck bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, but al Qaeda has twice before taken credit for attacks on the facility, a favorite of Western visitors.

"And we tell the jealous people of mujahideen of Pakistan," said al-Yazidd on the tape, which included English subtitles, "that in order for the jihad in Afghanistan to continue and be victorious, you must stand with your brothers the mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the puppet regime of Pakistan and its aggressive and tyrannical army and strike the interest of the Crusader allies in Pakistan."

The reference to "Crusader" is normally to the United States and its European allies.

Al-Yazzid had previously claimed responsibility for an attack earlier this year on the Danish embassy in Islamabad, in supposed retaliation for the publications of cartoons in Denmark that were believed to mock the Prophet Mohammed.

Earlier today, two different Pakistan Army convoys were hit by bomb attacks. On the tape, there are references to efforts to stop convoys of arms and supplies trucked to U.S. troops in Afghanistan through Pakistan.

"How, when you are people of jealousy and courage, can you agree to the passing of the enemies caravans carrying arms, provisions and equipment through your territory, caravans which carry death, destruction and doom for your brothers in Afghanistan?" al-Yazzid asks on the tape, which shows him a well-lit indoor setting, with a flag to his right.

"And how can you agree of the bombing of your brothers' regions of Bajaur and Swat and the eviction and displacement of hundreds of thousands of their inhabitants," he added, an apparent reference to the stepped up attack by unmanned CIA aircraft which have launched multiple attacks against suspected al Qaeda and Taliban training camps near the border with Afghanistan.

In addition to Pakistan, al-Yazzid took aim at the governments of Iran and Lebanon for what he said was their failure to support al Qaeda's cause against the U.S. and the West.