$15 Million Jackpot for Engaged Massachusetts Couple

Green wedding day for Mass. couple.

— -- Michael Milford and his fiancee got the jackpot of a boost just before tying the knot: a $15 million lottery prize.

It is the largest instant "scratch and win" prize awarded in their state, following the "World Class Millions" prize awarded for the same game in July.

Milford purchased only one lucky ticket for $30 on Sunday at Boyles Family Market in Medford. Durna Rejak, who works at the store, told ABC News Milford is a regular and a "really nice guy."

"Someone from the lottery came to the store with a banner," Rejak said. "I didn't know anything about it so I called the owner and he didn't know yet." The store gets $50,000 for selling the ticket. It's the highest retailer lottery bonus paid in Massachusetts.

Two $15 million prizes remain in the state's “World Class Millions” game.