Personal Finance Calculators

— -- These calculators are designed to help you find answers to your financial questions. Enter your numbers and the resulting calculations will show the costs and benefits for each scenario you explore.

I N V E S T I N G — Mutual Fund Calculators

• What is my return if I sell now?

• Should I sell my funds now and invest the money elsewhere?

• At what price should I sell fund shares to achieve my desired rate of return?

• How much do fees affect my fund's rate of return?

• Should I wait a year to sell my fund shares?

• Which fund is better?

• Which is better: a front or back load?

• How do exchange rates affect my foreign fund?

• Which is better: load or no load?

• How do growth and income funds compare?

• When will I recover my costs?

I N V E S T I N G — Stock Calculators

• What is my return if I sell now?

• Should I wait a year to sell my stock?

• Should I sell my stock now and invest the money elsewhere?

• What stock price achieves my target rate of return?

• What is my current yield from dividends?

• How much do fees affect my rate of return?

• Which is better: income or growth stocks?

• How do exchange rates affect my foreign stock?

• When will I recover my stock costs?

I N V E S T I N G — Bond Calculators

• What is my yield to maturity?

• What is my current yield on coupon income received?

• What is the bond return if I sell now?

• How will rate changes affect my bond's current value?

• What price should I pay?

• What bond price achieves my target rate of return?

• What might be my yield-to-call?

• Should I wait a year to sell my bond?

• Should I buy a tax-exempt or taxable bond?

• Which is better: discount or high coupon rate?

• Should I buy a zero coupon bond?

• Which bond is better?

C R E D I T  C A R D S — Calculators

• How important is the interest rate?

• How will rate changes affect my balance?

• Is the lower rate worth the annual fee?

• What will it take to pay off my balance?

• Should I consolidate my debts?

• Which is better: Flight Card or Low Rate Card?

• Which is better: Rebate Card or Low Rate Card?

• Should I consolidate my Credit Cards?

B A N K I N G — Calculators

• How much will my savings be worth?

• How will taxes and inflation affect my savings?

• How much difference will the rate make?

• How much, at what rate, when?

P L A N N I N G — Budgeting Calculators

• How much am I spending?

• Should I pay off debt or invest in savings?

• What will it take to pay off my balance?

• How much should I set aside for emergencies?

• How much will it cost to raise a child?

• What's it worth to reduce my spending?

• Should my spouse work too?

P L A N N I N G — Paycheck Calculators

• How does my 401(k) affect my take-home income?

• How much of my paycheck do I take home as a salaried employee?

• How much are my employee stock options worth today?

• How much of my paycheck do I take home as an hourly employee?

• How much of my bonus do I keep after income taxes?

• How much in taxes do I owe on my tip income?

P L A N N I N G — Savings Calculators

• What will it take to save for a college education?

• What will it take to become a millionaire?

• How much will my savings be worth?

• What will it take to save for a vehicle, home, etc?

• How much will taxes and inflation affect my savings?

• How much difference will the rate make?

• What's it worth to reduce my spending?

• How much, at what rate, when?

• Which is better: cash or payments?

P L A N N I N G — Retirement Calculators

• How will retirement affect my expenses?

• Am I saving enough? What can I change?

• How will this account be used?

• What will I earn with this account?

• How advantageous is increasing my savings?

• Which savings or income sources will be the largest?

• How much can I invest before taxes each year?

• What if I underestimate my expenses?

• What will my income be after I retire?

• What will my expenses be after I retire?

• What happens if tax laws change?

• How much effect can inflation have?

• Which savings should be used first?

• How much will Social Security provide?

• What if Social Security no longer exists?

P L A N N I N G — Roth IRA Calculators

• Which will provide the most retirement income?

• How will changes in my tax rate affect the decision?

• How do return rates affect my retirement income?

• What option is the best for estate planning?

• When should I begin saving?

• How will a large withdrawal affect the decision?

• Should I convert my IRA into a Roth IRA?

• What IRA am I eligible for?

H O M E S — Equity Loan Calculators

• How large a line of credit can I obtain?

• Should I consolidate debts?

• Which is better to buy a vehicle: auto or home equity loan?

• How much will my loan payments be?

• What will my tax savings be?

• What will it take to pay off my line of credit?

H O M E S — Mortgage Calculators

• How much can I borrow?

• How much will my payments be?

• How much will adjustable rate payments be?

• Which is better: fixed or adjustable?

• Should I pay points to the lower rate?

• Which is better: 15 or 30 year term?

• How much should I put down?

• How much can I save in taxes?

• What will my closing costs be?

• Am I better off renting?

• Am I better off refinancing?

• What will my refinancing costs be?

• How can I reduce mortgage insurance costs?

• Which lender has the better loan?

-->• How advantageous are extra payments?

• What house can I afford?

A U T O S — Calculators

• Which is better: new or used?

• How much should depreciation cost me?

• Should I lease or purchase?

• Should I finance or pay cash?

• How much will my vehicle payments be?

• Which vehicle loan is better?

• What term of loan should I choose?

• Should I use a home equity loan instead of an auto loan?

• Which is better: a rebate or special dealer financing?

• How long should I keep a vehicle?

• What vehicle can I afford?

I N S U R A N C E — Calculators

• How much life insurance do I need?

• What is my return on a whole life policy?

• What is my return on a universal policy?

• What is my return on a variable life policy?

• Which is better: term or whole life?

• Which is better: term or universal life policy?

• Which is better: term or variable life policy?