No Year's Resolution

Dec. 23, 2006 — -- My task between Christmas and New Year's Day is to empty my in-box.

If e-mails have been sitting there all year waiting to be answered, there's little chance I'll suddenly find time or interest to get to them in 2007. Better to finally deal with them now.

In doing so, I'm reminded of people with whom I haven't connected in months. Since it's a slow week workwise, it's an ideal time to send off a note to touch base and catch up. I'm able to position myself as top of mind with key contacts as they return from vacation.

Each year I promise myself I'll maintain an uncluttered desk. I commit to responding to all e-mails and calls the day they come in. I swear not to let anything pile up. And by Jan. 15, I've inevitably failed on all fronts.

My friend Lisa Belkin, the workplace columnist at The New York Times and host of a related radio program on XM, bragged about not having broken her resolutions this year. She was so proud of herself that she was able to make it through all 12 months, honoring her resolutions every step of the way.

Turns out her resolution was not to make any resolutions at all. This way, she avoided the guilt and letdown that comes with breaking them. Brilliant, I thought!

She's also a wise woman whose words have served many people quite well, so as we head in to the new year, I'm going to take her lead on this one, too.

Tory Johnson is the workplace contributor for "Good Morning America" and the CEO of