Another 200,000 Thomas Toys Recalled

Five Thomas toys were recalled due to high lead levels in surface paint.

Sept. 26, 2007 — -- Another recall, and another apology from the CEO of RC2 Toys of Oakbrook, Ill., the company that makes Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway Toys. RC2 Toys tells ABC News that it has found "excessive lead" in another 200,000 toys.

The company said it found the lead paint as it retested 1,500 toys. Those toys were first tested when the company announced its first recall in June of this year. Five separate models were found to have the toxin in paint that covered the wooden toy.

"Let me personally apologize for the worry an additional recall creates for parents everywhere," said Curt Stoelting, the company's chief executive. RC2's recall in June was the first major recall of Chinese-made toys this summer. The number of toy train cars recalled is now approaching 2 million.

"We deeply regret the burden that recalling toys creates for parents," Stoelting said. Included in the recall are the "all-black cargo car" from the Brendam Fishing Dock set and a "toad vehicle" railcar which has a brake lever, along with three train set accessories. The company said all the toys were made before April 30.

RC2 said it has instituted new procedures in its Chinese factories to prevent this from happening in the future. Stoelting said today, "We believe parents should be assured" that toys now in the stores "are safe."

The "Thomas train" recall was only one of several announced today. Lead paint was found on several other toys made in China. The biggest recall affected 350,000 children garden sets sold by Target. Details can be found at the Consumer Product Safety Commission's Web site. Click here for more information.