On the Fast Track to Love

A new dating Web site could turn a commuter crush into a life-long romance.

May 3, 2007 — -- Being stuck in traffic, annoyed and bored behind the wheel are all part of the daily commute. But every once in a while, someone pulls up next to your car and catches your eye.

You exchange smiles, and may even have a few seconds to flirt a little, but just when things are getting interesting, the gridlock gives way -- and your commuter crush speeds out of your grasp.

Like many people, Frank Iguodala of Philadelphia found himself in that situation. And he never wanted it to happen to him again, so he did something about it.

Last year, the 24-year-old joined the Web site www.flirtingintraffic.com.

"It's a new idea, innovative -- so that's why I definitely like it," he said.

Watch the story tonight on "Nightline" at 11:35 p.m. EDT

Desperate Dating?

Some people love it, but other people say it's desperation at its worst.

This is no ordinary dating site. Where else do you find a person's picture right next to a shot of his or her car?

Here's how it works: First, members put stickers on their cars. The stickers have codes.. If you notice someone driving around and like what you see, you go to flirtingintraffic.com and enter the code to find the profile of the driver in question.

The site's users claim that it works. The Web site, which started a year ago in Philadelphia, is still small. So far, there are almost 15,000 members nationwide. And the odds are good for all the female drivers out there, because almost two-thirds of the "flirters" are men.

Too Much Information

Still, some worry that driving around with what amounts to an online ID tag on your car is a bit creepy, especially considering how much information some people put on the site -- body type, sign, occupation, favorite food. In other words, they are the things you might not be able to tell if you're passing someone in traffic.

Like it or not, this is one trend in the fast lane. The founders of flirtingintraffic.com say their next stop is college campuses, where coeds can slap a sticker on their backpacks or binders and flirt away.