Finding a Job: What's Your Passion?
To find the job that best suits you, be realistic and be passionate.
Oct. 2, 2006 2006 -- For a generation, workers would decide on a career and stick with it until retirement. Today, it's very common for people to change their careers as many as four to seven times in a lifetime. And as many as half of all employees in this country say they'd love to make a job change if they could.
The reasons for changing careers vary from displeasure with initial choices and boredom to new values and dreams for yourself or even the desire to make more money.
When people ask me to help them get a job, my first question is, "What kind of job do you want?" The most common answer: "Tell me who's hiring...I'm interested in all sorts of things." The job-seeker thinks it sounds flexible, which can be a good thing, but in reality, it looks desperate and unfocused.
Ask yourself, "What are my strengths?" And when answering that question, it's important to get beyond the basics -- I often hear the phrase, "I'm a people person." That's too generic and doesn't speak to your knowledge, skills and abilities. You want to ask yourself: "What am I really good at?" "What do I love doing?" "What excites me?"
Ask your friends and colleagues for their opinions of your strengths. Sometimes friends and colleagues think of you as the "go to" person anytime they have to write a letter because your writing and editing skills are exceptional. Or maybe you're a computer whiz who can fix any bug. Those could be cues for a potential career path.
So What Are Your Options?
Sometimes it's easier to figure out what you want by seeing what other people have. There are a few easy ways to do that:
Make Your Dreams Real
Think of people or positions that cause you to say, "Wow! I'd love to do that!" -- and then scale it back to something tangible.
Maybe you dream about being the next Maria Sharapova or Roger Federer, but you're a terrible tennis player. How about working in sports marketing or for a major league team or stadium? Your dream job could be found in as a sports agent or event organizer.
Maybe you can't be a ballerina, but that shouldn't stop you from pursuing a career in the arts. With a passion for ballet, perhaps you're well-suited for a position in administration at a performing arts center or within a company that manufactures or sells tutus.
Passion for a particular industry counts for a lot. Don't settle for any old job; be sure you're seeking a position with the potential for forging a lasting and fulfilling career.
Tory Johnson is the workplace contributor on "Good Morning America" and the CEO of Women for Hire. To connect directly with Johnson, visit