Working Wounded: Reader Response

June 11, 2004 -- D E A R   R E A D E R S: Recently I ran an e-mail from Catch-22, an IT professional who complained he couldn't even get hired for an entry level job. I received a flood of e-mails. Most were like this:

  • Read the letter from Catch-22

"He's not alone. I'm in my fifties and have over 30 years in the field and was laid off. No one wants to pay me at the level I was at. Most want a fresh face from school or with a few years experience willing to work for much less. When I go on job interviews they say 'with your experience you'd be bored with this job.' Hey, bore me."

"I've been sending resumes out for three years and have had one interview and one temp job, even though I've been a high level person in the semiconductor industry and have an extensive network of associates and friends. It's a buyers market and the out of work citizen is at the mercy of the employer."

"Those of us who have taken jobs while being over-qualified are making tremendous sacrifices in order to have a paycheck, no matter how small. We no longer have the intellectual stimulation that we once enjoyed. The presence of jealousy is so frustrating that we crawl home in disbelief."

Below are examples of the many job hunting strategies readers sent in for Catch-22:

"I have used seasonal employment to bridge temporary employment needs. There are likely summer seasonal opportunities available that would allow for another few months of job searching and yet maintain the integrity of the employer-employee relationship. You both know from the beginning that the employment will come to an end."

"To get a job, any job, when you are unemployed, present the potential employer with a commitment contract. State that you would be willing to work for a set length of time and what the consequences would be for breaking the contract."

I also heard from employers:

"I would like to remind Catch-22 that most employers are looking for the safest hire they can find to get the job done. A safe hire would be one that can competently perform the job description, one that can get along with other people, and one that will preferably be there for a long time. I see Catch-22 as meeting only the first of these criteria."

"Sorry dude, not only do I not hire you because of your open lack of commitment to my business, but I also don't hire you because your attitude shows a certain disdain for the job I'm offering."

And this interesting e-mail came from someone who is very familiar with this issue:

"As an HR consultant, there have been several times when I hired an over-qualified candidate and all were regrettable. Even though the candidates assured me they were interested in an entry level position, one quit two weeks later, one continually reminded us that he was underpaid, one became a classic complainer and another couldn't get along with anyone. Fit is more important than qualifications."

Online Ballot and Contest

Here are the results from a recent online ballot: Which of the following is true?

Companies should hire the most credentialed person, 3.6 percent Companies should hire whomever they please, 19.7 percent Companies should hire the best person for the specific job, 76.6 percent

Winning Strategy

Our winning strategy for what a professional should do when trying to get an entry level job comes from J.C. in Sacramento, Calif. "Be humble, if you are going to be successful, you must be able to take direction (and criticism) from someone who might have, in the past, reported to you. Save your suggestions for improvements after you build work relationships and use suggested means or accepted company protocol for bringing these forward. Know your co-workers before you divulge your situation. Ask yourself why you are sharing this information. From my perspective, you should share only with those who have a need to know, i.e., your manager and HR. And if you find yourself growing more frustrated because you feel underemployed, talk to your manager, let them know you'd like the opportunity to do more, and perhaps doors will open. Prepare to exercise patience!"

List of the Week

Bob Rosner is a best-selling author, speaker and internationally syndicated columnist. His newest best seller, GRAY MATTERS: The Workplace Survival Guide (Wiley, 2004), is a business comic book that trades cynicism for solutions. Ask Bob a question: or publishes a new Working Wounded column every Friday.