Workplace Best and Worst: The Worst Job

Dec. 29, 2004 — -- It's rare to meet someone who has worked for the same company their entire career. Sure they're out there, but more and more our jobs are like a revolving door.

In fact, recently I saw a study that said that each of us will change jobs, on the average, every three years. There are many reasons that we leave a job. According to a study by Coopers and Lybrand, some of the top reasons include: Too little pay, 63 percent. Relocating, 47 percent. Lack of career advancement, 39 percent. Offered a better position, 37 percent. While 28 percent say they were dissatisfied with the position.

According to conversations that I've had and my e-mail, a lot more than 28 percent of us are dissatisfied with what we do for a living. In fact, most people that I talk to believe that their job is one of the worst of all time.

That leads us to this week's question. In future columns, we'll try to determine the best jobs you've ever had, but for today, write in and tell us: What is the worst job you've ever had?

E-mail a description of the worst job that you've ever had to We'll be back next time with our best responses and with the results of our online ballot about what truly makes a job miserable.

Workplace Best & Worst is a Wednesday feature at Each week we'll ask a question -- What is the worst workplace prank? What is the best advice? Who was your worst boss? And then in week two we'll run the best responses.

Bob Rosner is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, popular speaker and a guy who is still trying to forget some of the jobs he's had in the course of his career.