Workplace Best and Worst: Great Accomplishments

March 9, 2005 — -- How does it feel when the overly political co-worker, the grandstander who is constantly self promoting actually gets the big promotion? Or gets a big assignment? Or they just get too much credit for something that came from the team?

Of course, you feel terrible. You think that life isn't fair. Because most of us were taught to let our work speak for itself, to not be a self-promoter and to seek to be part of the team.

According to a poll, only 9 percent of our viewers feel comfortable talking up their accomplishments. But 91 percent either report they'd rather drink Clorox than talk up their own personal accomplishments or consider self-promotion a necessary evil.

Consider this week's Best & Worst a break from all of that. We want you to boast about something that you did really well at work. Heck, if you don't sing your praises, who will?

E-mail a description of your greatest accomplishment at work to We'll be back next time with a list of greatest hits.

Workplace Best & Worst is a Wednesday feature at Each week we'll ask a question -- What is the worst workplace prank? What is the best advice? Who was your worst boss? And then in week two we'll run the best responses.

Bob Rosneris a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, popular speaker and a guy who has a file of his greatest hits at work for those times when he hits a particularly tough time at work.