Ads about people getting cars as gifts illustrate luxury

— -- Those holiday-gift luxury-car ads illustrate what the four luxury-car executives see as key elements of automotive luxury.

•Ludwig Willisch, president of BMW's U.S. operation, champions emotional appeal as the heart of the matter.

The ads show surprise, delight and affection on the part of the gift recipients.

Willisch is referring mainly to the passion that comes from driving a good car, but we're left to assume the lucky new owners in the ads will develop plenty of passion for their gift, and the givers.

•Steve Shannon, Hyundai's U.S. marketing vice president, says the key principle is, "There is only one true luxury, and that is time."

What's less time-consuming than walking out the front door to find your new luxury vehicle in the driveway, as in the ads?

•Don Butler, Cadillac's vice president of marketing, talks about luxury being based on a "holistic experience" that's on par with what buyers "experience when they are also consuming luxury hotels, great cruises" and other top-drawer products and services.

How special and tended-to it must feel to have someone present you with a fancy new auto.

•Brain Smith, Lexus marketing vice president, emphasizes concierge treatment by dealers. "People want to come in and feel like their needs are met."

The strong implication in the ads is there: If you're worth the pampering of a luxury car as a gift, you can expect that stroking to continue at the dealership.