Automakers get serious about self-driving cars

— -- Once the stuff of science fiction and cartoons, automakers are racing to be first with vehicles that drive themselves.

While the first systems won't be that ambitious — don't expect to work crossword puzzles while lounging Jetsons-style behind the wheel — they point to future cars that will make driving easier and actively avoid accidents.

The latest to disclose plans is Ford Motor, which is developing a feature for heavy traffic jams that would let the car keep up with traffic and stay in its lane. For now, Ford will only say that "Traffic Jam Assist" will be available in the "mid term," meaning at least five years away.

Audi, which had a TTS sports car drive itself up Pikes Peak in 2010, says self-driving is no longer fantasy. "Our piloted-driving technology is shifting from a purely research phase into actual pre-production planning," spokesman Brad Stertz says.

Automakers have demonstrated for years cars that can electronically talk to each other to avoid accidents, but the surge of interest in self-driving cars comes as Google has been successfully showing off a self-driving Prius. A driver is still on board, but Google's car can pretty much take care of itself.

Most automakers are more down to earth in their self-driving initiatives, building on and combining systems already in today's cars, such as adaptive cruise control. Among them:

•Cadillac.General Motors' luxury division plans a feature called "Super Cruise" that would allow a vehicle to steer, brake and keep itself in a lane at highway speeds. Cadillac spokesman David Caldwell says it could be ready by the end of the decade.

•Audi. Volkswagen's luxury unit is developing "Traffic Jam Assistant" that could take over driving at up to 37 miles per hour. It scans up to 820 feet ahead and monitors surrounding vehicles to keep the car in the lane and accelerate or brake. Audi says it works even when there are no lane markings.

•Mercedes-Benz. The German luxury brand showed "Advanced Driving Assist" in its F125 concept car last year, but has not confirmed plans for the features in production vehicles. It is "able to carry out frequently occurring driving maneuvers autonomously," Mercedes said in a statement, including lane changes and overtaking slower vehicles.

Ford says it's serious about its self-driving system. "We see these as automated-assist technologies that can help reduce a driver's stress and add a new level of safety to their time behind the wheel," spokesman Alan Hall says. "We view automation as one of the solutions to help with the potential of reducing traffic congestion."