Beer Man: Fox Barrel pear ciders are great for hot weather

— -- Beer Man is a weekly profile of beers from across the country and around the world. This week: Fox Barrel Blackberry Pear Cider Fox Barrel Cider Co., Colfax, Calif.

My review of Angry Orchard several weeks ago lamented that the tasty beverage was only available as an apple cider.

My prayers were answered a couple of weeks later through different means as I came across a nearly full lineup of ciders from Fox Barrel. The company is unique in offering nothing but pear cider, also known as perry, and variations.

First was its Blackberry Pear Cider, in a 12-ounce bottle. While the base pear cider indicated it could stand on its own, the addition of blackberry brought forth visions of plump, thumb-size, juicy berries.

This is a beverage that you must swish around your mouth to experience its full effect. Juicy fresh fruit flavor, sweet and sour sensations and cascades of effervescence pop on your tongue.

The tartness was a step ahead of the sweetness, of which there was just enough to keep it from seeming dry. Every taste provided a cleansing sensation, even before the finish.

I also sampled a limited-edition 22-ounce bottle of Fox Barrel's Rhubarb and Elderberry Pear Cider. This was unfiltered and also contained honey.

Every flavor came through true and clear -- it was easy to pick out the rhubarb and unique elderberry, while the honey added floral aromatics and flavor more than sweetness.

One aspect of cider I really enjoy is that it actually tastes better and is more refreshing when it's ice cold, making it -- dare I say? -- a better choice than beer for hot weather. While some beers can be tasty chilled, their full flavors don't come out until they warm in the glass a bit. Not so with ciders.

Other Fox Barrel offerings are Apricot Pear, Pacific Pear, Ginger and Blackcurrant, Pomegranate and Pear and what is essentially a witbier pear cider. The latter does not use malt, but is a pear cider brewed with Belgian witbier yeast and the addition of orange peel and coriander.

The brewery offers no exact locator for Fox Barrel products. Its locator site only lists distributors, so readers will have to inquire through that avenue. About 28 states have Fox Barrel distributors.

Many beers are available only regionally. Check the brewer's website, which often contains information on product availability. Contact Todd Haefer at: To read previous Beer Man columns Click here.