Beer Man: Lagunitas Doppel is a heavier Weizen

— -- Beer Man is a weekly profile of beers from across the country and around the world.This week: Lagunitas Bavarian-Styled Doppel Weizen Lagunitas Brewing Co., Petaluma, Calif.

I mentioned last week in my cider story that I have somewhat of a sweet tooth, which explains why I've always enjoyed German-style wheat beers. The addition of wheat to the barley generally adds sweetness to the ale.

A quick note: Although weiss means "white" and weizen means "wheat," both terms refer to wheat beers, depending on which region of Germany you're in.

For those who have never had a weiss beer, the extra malt sugar doesn't mean it is sweet like soda pop. There's just an extra amount to add highlights to the malt, and to the fruity and spicy esters produced by the yeast.

The degree of sweetness preferred in beer is one of the wide variances among beer drinkers. Some detest weiss beer simply because it is not dry and bitter. But it is one of the most refreshing, flavorful warm-weather beers.

Lagunitas has made a name for itself with ultra hoppy beers such as IPA Maximus — advertised with "Caution: may remove enamel from teeth" — Hop Stoopid, India Pale Ale and dozens of variations. However, there's more to the brewery, as it shows with its limited-release, 22-ounce Doppel Weizen.

Take everything good about weiss -- the banana-clove esters from the yeast, which also often give the beer a hint of vanilla, the goodness of the barley and wheat malt, the thick head -- and then make it 9% instead of 4.5% alcohol by volume, and you have Lagunitas Doppel Weizen.

The main difference from regular weiss, besides strength, is a heavier body without venturing into thick or syrupy territory, and less carbonation. The malt flavor is huge and the extra malt provides a bit of dark fruit flavor, such as raisin. The brewery wisely, in my view, avoided adding excessive hops, which keeps the weiss profile in the limelight.

I do have to note that the Doppel is not as refreshing in hot weather as regular weiss, which is lighter in body, of course, but also has much more carbonation. But that's where air conditioning is an advantage.

Lagunitas beers are available in 32 states; a list of distributors can be found here.

Many beers are available only regionally. Check the brewer's website, which often contains information on product availability by mail. Contact Todd Haefer at