Dallas CEO Cheryl Rios Says Female Shouldn't Be President

Cheryl Rios notes "hormones" and "biblical reasoning" for her argument.

In an extended post late Tuesday, Rios wrote: "Will say this and leave it at that. I believe in what I believe. In this great country we are allowed our own opinions. Mine may be something you don't agree with, and so be it. I am old fashioned, I am Christian and believe what I have said.

"I didn't say that women should be abused, or that they are stupid or can't be lawyers, doctors or run successful businesses, I fully know and support that they can as I have done that. I mentioned one position only the Head of our government, the Head of State, the Commander in Chief, the President. With that, please stop the nastiness as it wasn't meant in that light. Peace, Love and Happiness."

Rios could not be reached for comment.