'Industrial Accident' at Tesla Motors Plant Injures Three

Three workers in Fremont, Calif., were injured by hot metal.

Nov. 13, 2013 — -- An incident at the Tesla Motors plant in Fremont, Calif., is being described as an "industrial accident," including three people hurt with "moderate to serious injuries," according to Fire Captain Dan Cardenas.

In a statement, Tesla Motors said, "There was a failure in a low pressure aluminum casting press. Three employees were injured by hot metal from that press. We are making sure that they receive the best possible care."

Cardenas said there was "no fire" at the plant.

"It was an industrial accident involving pressurized equipment that they used, which resulted in three patients being treated for burns and they have been transported to a local hospital," Cardenas said.

The incident took place around noon, pacific time, officials said.

Cardenas, who has worked with various fire departments for 33 years, said he believed the injuries were "moderate to serious."

When asked about the frequency of accidents like that of Tesla's, Cardenas said it was "hard to say."

"I've probably come across several different industrial accidents like this where people get injured using machinery that they use at their manufacturing plants," he said. "Whether power or water, there are so many different ways of these things happening."

Read More: Tesla Fires Raise Doubts About Seemingly Untouchable Company

Just yesterday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk reiterated the safety record of the company's latest car, the Model S, which has been under media scrutiny after three different cars caught on fire after high-impact accidents. In all three incidents, none of the drivers were injured.

With 25,000 cars on the road worldwide, Musk said the company's overriding concern is safety.

"If fire is your concern, you could not be in a safer car," Musk said in New York City at a conference organized by Business Insider.

On Tuesday, Musk said the company is working on ramping up production, while keeping a "quality product," to eliminate or at least shorten its waiting list for cars.

"The main constraint is factory [battery] cell production," he said Tuesday.

Read More: How Elon Musk Went From Showering at the YMCA to Building a Mars Colony