How to Make Tim Ferriss' Morning Tea

How do you make the tea that Tim Ferriss drinks every morning?

He is a bestselling author, the host of "The Tim Ferriss Show," an angel investor, and there is even a publicly recognized “Tim Ferriss effect,” first cited in a 2012 Forbes profile, which notes how a mention on his blog or podcast will lead to tens of thousands more sales for a product -- more than a typical media promotion.

Another thing he is known for? His morning routine.

He shared the ins and outs of starting his day with Rebecca Jarvis on an episode of "Real Biz with Rebecca Jarvis" and here's how he makes his intricate morning tea:


  • Black and green tea blended (Tim's favorites include: Pu-erh tea, ember, and Kabuse Sencha)
  • Coconut oil
  • Butter (Tim uses butter from grass-fed cows)
  • Process:

    1. Pour hot water over a tea basket of your blended black and green tea

    2. Let it steep for 30 to 60 seconds

    3. Use another cup for the second steeping and repeat Step 1

    4. Let the 2nd cup steep for about 2 minutes

    5. Combine 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your remaining hot water and let it melt

    6. Combine tea steeping 1 and 2 with your melted butter and coconut oil and stir

    7. Enjoy!