A Tour of the World’s Most Exotic McDonald's Locations

These McDonald's sites are examples of its never-ending global expansion.

— -- McDonald's, the biggest burger chain in the world, may be around every corner in the United States, but it’s still barely breaking ground in some countries.

Here are some other distinct McDonald's locations around the world:

Prior to entering Vietnam earlier this year, McDonald's newest markets launched in 2011. McDonald's came to Trinidad and Tobago, on Sept. 29, 2011. Another location soon followed in early 2012 (pictured above).

3. Shenzhen, China

China's first McDonald's opened in Shenzhen, China, on Oct. 8, 1990.

This location in Nanterre, France, was one of the first to implement kiosk ordering within the restaurant. McDonald's locations take into account local culture and architecture, the company says.

5. Dengshikou, Beijing

This restaurant in Beijing is reflective of McDonald's modern interior designs that the company says it is incorporating into new restaurants around the world.

In Chinese McDonald's locations, you can buy Sweet Taro Pie in addition to its apple pie staple.