Fans Urge Release of Paula Deen Comic Book

Bluewater Productions said they will release a Paula Deen comic book in October.

July 12, 2013 — -- The media company that brought you comic books starring Martha Stewart and Hillary Clinton will release a comic about embattled celebrity chef Paula Deen at the urging of her fans.

The Food Network, Wal-Mart and others began dropping Deen after she admitted under oath to using a racial slur in the past. Deen apologized for the "hurtful language" she used.

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Will the comic include Deen's fall from grace? Yes, Bluewater Productions, based in Vancouver, Canada, said in a statement. "The latest controversy will be added to the final draft, but the majority of the comic book will focus on how she became an iconic brand, the challenges of her humble beginnings and the results of bursting certain stereotypes."

The company, which has produced over 800 comic book titles, released its first "Female Force" comic during the 2008 presidential campaign, starring Hillary Clinton.

Jason Schultz, Bluewater Productions Inc.'s vice president of new business development, said the company first reached out to Paula Deen about six months ago.

When asked if Deen or her publicist have communicated a response, Schultz said, "None yet, but we have heard from her fans who support us moving forward with the book."

For other comic book issues, Bluewater Productions has donated 25 percent of proceeds to the real-life protagonist's charity of choice.

After the comic book was announced on Wednesday, Schultz said Deen's fans have expressed enthusiasm for the release.

"They are thanking us for moving forward with the book," he said.

Schultz said the $3.99 "Female Force" comic books are "factual."

"They and non-biased and are focused on female empowerment," he said.

"We do not condone her use of racial insensitivities, and think that intolerance has no place in a just society," said Bluewater's president Darren G. Davis in a statement. "But despite her recent failings, we also strongly believe she still has a powerful story to tell; one that fits the female empowerment model of our books."

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The comic books, to be released in mid-October, will be available on iTunes, or for the Nook and Kindle. Hard copies can be pre-ordered shortly at Schultz said the number of issues has yet to be determined.

"Under the greatest scrutiny, many of our heroes let us down, but we also believe in the power of redemption," Davis said. "In all biographies there are chapters full of great accomplishments and those full of challenges. I believe Ms. Deen's story is not yet completely written."

Bluewater Production's most popular comic book so far has been its Michelle Obama issue.

The company has four employees but works with over 100 artists at any given time, Schultz said.