Paying for the Furniture Delivery Man’s Mistake

ABC News Fixer helps woman who was told to pay restocking fee for damaged couch.

— -- Dear ABC News Fixer: I purchased a couch from a discount furniture store called The Dump. While trying to get it in the house, the delivery men tore the upholstery.

They took the couch back and promised that someone would contact me. No one did. I called and left a message, but still couldn’t get a call back. Finally I called again and reached someone, and the person I spoke with said I would have to pay a $150 restocking fee!

I called again but no one will help me. I’m getting the runaround. Your help will be much appreciated.

Got a consumer problem? The ABC News Fixer may be able to help. Click here to submit your problem online. Letters are edited for length and clarity.

Dear Christina: This had to be one of the most absurd customer service responses we’ve heard. Making the customer pay a restocking fee after the delivery guys wrecked the couch? To make this even funnier, you said the fabric on the couch tore when the guys attempted to lift it through a pine tree stationed near your side entrance.

By the time we got involved, you had already managed to convince them to waive this silly fee. But there was still the matter of a $200 deposit you had paid on the couch. At this point, you just wanted that money back so you could shop somewhere else.

We emailed Haynes Furniture, the parent company of discount store The Dump. We heard back from Cindy Arthur, director of customer service. She said she was “embarrassed” at the way this was handled, adding that she was planning a compliance review of the team to prevent this happening again. Best of all, the company refunded your $200, so you’re good to go.

A word about restocking fees as we head into the holiday season: Find out before you buy whether the store charges a restocking fee on an item you may need to return. Restocking fees typically show up with specialty items, furniture and electronics, but they don’t apply if the item you’re returning is defective.

- The ABC News Fixer

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