Polar Beverages Releases 'Unicorn Kisses' Flavor for April Fools' Day

The bottles come with a "uni-bear hybrid logo."

The company that was founded more than 130 years ago has released its first small-batch recipe in line with April Fools' Day. The bottles come with a "uni-bear hybrid logo."

"We create a small-batch order about once or twice a year to keep customers interested in new products," Polar Beverages' marketing coordinator Andrew Hollis told ABC News.

The company published a comical press release to promote the limited edition flavor.

"For years the brand has told consumers that it was the family patriarch Dennis Crowley who had created the 'best tasting bubble recipe' in 1882," the company press release stated.

"But now, the new sources within Polar Beverages company’s archives indicate that it was actually magical realism that captured the first sparkle and happiness within each bottle of Polar Seltzer. The new details revealed that Polar Seltzer was first created in a deal struck between a nature-loving humanitarian and a sad unicorn. Their chance encounter has forever sealed the fate of thirsty consumers everywhere. Rainbows were exchanged for sparkle in an all equity deal."

The latest flavor launched March 14 and will likely last in stores for only two or three weeks, Hollis said. There only 5,000 cases of the unicorn kisses flavor.

"This response has been larger than anything that we've done," Hollis said. "That was our goal -- to create some buzz and create a good, nice flavor."

Customers are encouraged to take a selfie with the bottle and tag it with "#PolarSeltzerUnicorn"