Same-Sex Marriage: How Companies Responded to Supreme Court's Decision

Companies quickly re-branded products and splashed social media with messages.

After the Supreme Court's announcement, users of the car service Uber noticed that the moving icons of vehicles in the app had rainbow flags trailing behind them.

Messaging app Snapchat offered mobile users two filters with rainbow themes after the decision was announced.

Google's office in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, its second-largest behind the headquarters in Mountain View, California, dressed up its building signage.

Facebook is celebrating the historic decision by allowing its social media users to put a rainbow overlay on their profile picture by clicking on Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is leading the way.

The Maytag Man's official Twitter account even celebrated with two Maytag men as matching washer and dryer appliances.

Official Twitter accounts from companies quickly changed their Twitter profile images to include rainbows.

And Twitter users like Airbnb used the hashtag "#LoveWins."