Standard Cards Better Than Store Cards for Most Consumers

These cards carry a higher interest rate than a standard credit card.

The exceptions? If you’re making a truly huge purchase — new appliances, a snow blower, that sort of thing — perhaps the discount is worth it, (but then you can consider closing the card afterward.) Store cards can also be positive for people who are trying to build up their credit-worthiness, because they’re easier to get. (Just be sure to pay them off in full each month for the maximum benefit to your score.) There can also be a benefit to holding a store card if you shop at one store more than any other. For example, Target’s card offers 5 percent cash back, whereas most regular credit cards offer no more than 2 percent cash back.

At the same time that store credit cards are charging sky-high rates, regular credit cards are offering their biggest sign-up bonuses ever, according to one report from I found it striking, since I received the two reports just days apart. WalletHub says regular credit cards are now offering a record of as much as $101.48 in cash or 15,664 points to attract each new customer. According to WalletHub, that is many times the amount of cash or points they were offering six years ago. WalletHub also says the average annual credit card fee has been falling for five quarters in a row, and now stands at 16.42 percent.

In sum: If you’re shopping for a new credit card to use for your holiday shopping this year, it’s likely a regular card with a fat sign-up bonus will be a better deal than a store-branded card with a fat interest rate.

Any opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author.