Two steps to New Year resolutions that will bring you joy

— -- Many people start the New Year making a resolution or two. It's symbolic of a fresh start and a new beginning toward self-improvement.

Usually the day after the New Year, I will arrive at the gym and find dozens of new people. Where these folks come from is a mystery. But you can be sure that by mid-February they will disappear, and the gym will return to its regulars. It happens every year.

This group of mysterious strangers made a New Year's resolution to exercise regularly. That can be quite a challenge. I have often heard that few of those who make resolutions make it beyond February.

Entrepreneurs don't take defeat well, and we will invest valuable energy beating ourselves up because we failed to keep those promises we make to ourselves.

I had that experience once. And once was plenty. About 25 years ago, all in one breath, I resolved to give up smoking, eat healthier, weight train three days a week, do cardio six days a week and practice feeling love, compassion and kindness to all I came into contact with.

That last resolution did me in. All was fine when I found myself with pets. But trying to feel love and compassion for some of the folks who came in and out of my office and my life was driving me to smoke more and eat like there was no tomorrow.

The smoking and eating left me too exhausted to exercise. After about a month I felt beaten but not defeated, and decided I had to make a few adjustments in future New Year's resolutions.

I managed to construct a pretty good system. If you have been unable to maintain your goals and resolutions, perhaps you can get something from my method.

Mine is a two-part system. Part one is the short-term version. Part two is the yearlong version.

For those difficult resolutions like ridding yourself of bad habits, exercising regularly or eating for health, I use the monthly (short term) system. It works wonderfully well. You resolve to do a particular thing from the first of one month to the end of that same month. A day or two before the upcoming new month, evaluate how things have progressed and if all looks well, keep going for another cycle. Otherwise pitch it. It's a lot easier to deal with a tough situation one month at a time.

This system has allowed me to establish a healthy eating pattern, exercise five days a week and not smoke. So far I have managed to keep these things going for 24 years. And feeling more compassion has come a lot easier.

Now let's look at the traditional annual resolution, which is the long version. Anything that I resolve to do for an entire year must be fun, enjoyable and as exciting as a 5-year-old anticipating Christmas morning. Now, that's a great resolution! It makes those short-term resolutions easier to do.

I repeat the same resolution each year: to do something wonderful for myself every week.

One day a week I have a date with myself — alone, no company allowed. This annual resolution has opened a whole new world for me.

I have taken myself to movies, zoos, museums, art galleries, amusement parks and plays. I have experienced rock climbing, hiking, bird watching, pottery classes, acting lessons, cooking lessons, ridden in a hot air balloon and even taken part in a mid-air jet refueling.

In addition, I have met many interesting people, from a nun who reads astrological charts and tarot cards to a man who claimed to be the reincarnation of Greek philosopher Heraclitus.

These outings have brought much joy to my life and enhanced my mind, body and spirit. I look forward to these weekly dates.

I once read "The great essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." Those sound like the ingredients for what a New Year's resolution should be.

So, if you decide to make resolutions this year, make your yearlong commitment the kind that will bring you joy and happiness. Make the more difficult goals short term, so you can review them month-to-month.


Gladys Edmunds' Entrepreneurial Tightrope column appears Wednesdays. As a single, teen-age mom, Gladys made money doing laundry, cooking dinners for taxi drivers and selling fire extinguishers and Bibles door-to-door. Today, Edmunds, founder of Edmunds Travel Consultants in Pittsburgh, is a private coach/consultant in business development and author of There's No Business Like Your Own Business, published by Viking. See an index of Edmunds' columns. Her website is You can e-mail her at