Some ad campaigns rose above the bad times in 2008

— -- Much has happened over the past 12 months.

There was a heated presidential campaign. Gas prices hit more than $4 per gallon. Michael Phelps ruled the pool during the Beijing Summer Olympics. And Britney Spears made an unexpected comeback.

Yet, all those things pale in comparison with the biggest, most devastating event of 2008: the collapse of the national economy. As financial markets crumbled, terms such as "bailout," "credit crunch," "subprime mortgage securities" and even "credit default swaps" became commonplace. In December, what we all felt was made official: The U.S. had been in a recession for a year.

With the sour economy came a new tone in marketing and advertising messages. Financial ads became more somber. Packaged-goods makers took swipes at competitors as they desperately tried to retain market share. And, in almost every industry, companies unleashed campaigns that touted more-for-your-money value.

For those employed in the media and advertising fields, the news got gloomier as the year progressed. There were client defections, massive layoffs and slashed bonus checks.

Ad spending forecasters continually downgraded their predictions. Well-known prognosticator Robert Coen's final word was that 2008 ad spending would fall 3.2% to $270.8 billion. Next year will be worse, he says, with a 4.5% drop to $258.7 billion.

But even the toughest of economic times can't thwart creativity — or even ill-fated attempts at creativity. Marketers even rose to the challenge during the Great Depression.

"More than one advertising executive has publicly acknowledged his debt to the Depression, admitting that it was not until the pressure of necessity exerted itself that he really found out how to get 100 cents' worth of value from the expenditure of every advertising dollar," read an editorial from trade magazine Advertising Age on Oct. 29, 1932. An example: In 1930, Scott Paper promoted the high quality of its toilet paper, saying it was better than competing brands, which its research had found were "chemically impure." By the first 10 months of 1930, Scott's overall sales were up 14% vs. the same time period in 1929, says Bradley Johnson, Advertising Age director of data analytics.

Even in the depths of the Depression, Scott persuaded consumers to spend more on the "ultimate disposable product," Johnson says.

In 1933, Scott took another bold approach with ads that touted paper towels as a kitchen necessity. While consumers were watching their cash, Scott was able to sell "convenience," Johnson says.

The Depression "was a horrific time, yet consumers still consumed, advertisers still advertised and commerce went on," Johnson says. "That's a pretty positive message for looking at 2009. Things will be rough, but there will be opportunities."

Trend spotter Marian Salzman suggests one for mattress makers: a line with "a built-in safe." "Since interest rates are basically non-existent, why wouldn't that be the newest gimmick?" she asks, with tongue in cheek.

We like that type of creative thinking during a downturn. So, with the economy top of mind, we asked trend forecasters, marketing consultants, ad agency executives, professors, USA TODAY readers and our own Ad Team reporting staff to make suggestions for the most spectacularly creative winners — and big-time failures — in each ad category listed below.

Best economy-related ad campaign

Wal-Mart's "Save Money. Live Better." campaign from The Martin Agency was the hands-down winner. The retailer hit some road bumps a few years ago when it tried to go upscale. But going back to its cost-saving roots — and playing up family values — couldn't have been more prescient.

The ads "show a different type of consumer than we typically associate with Wal-Mart — a new, more middle-class image," trend researcher Irma Zandl says. That "prompts consumers to think that it's no longer a compromise to shop at Wal-Mart, but a lifestyle."

The ads also showcase Wal-Mart's new, slightly more stylized logo. The updated design reads "Walmart," rather than the chunky-looking "WAL*MART" and includes a bright orange starburst after the "t."

Wal-Mart's uplifting holiday ads made us realize that we actually could afford to have gifts under the tree. As ad executive Marcus Headlam says, the retailer created a "great message that speaks to everyone in the current economy."

Best economy-related viral video

Director Charles Stone III brought back the "Whassup" guys — who once starred in a series of ads for Anheuser-Busch — to tout Barack Obama's presidential run. The online video launched in the midst of the stock market meltdown and used gallows humor to get its point across. It showed one guy in war-torn Iraq, another unemployed and a third trying to commit suicide after checking his stock portfolio. (A-B only had temporary rights to the "Whassup" theme and had nothing to do with the ad. Stone added a disclaimer saying that the video was done independent of A-B.)

"Brilliantly executed," says David Angelo, chief creative officer at ad agency David & Goliath. "It struck such a nerve that it was passed around throughout the country (and the) world at literally no cost for media."

Most conspicuous waste of money

Microsoft gets this nod for a big-budget Windows campaign that launched when most other companies were pulling back on marketing expenditures. The costly campaign paired co-founder Bill Gates with comic Jerry Seinfeld in ads that barely mentioned Microsoft's products. (The ads, like the 1990s Seinfeld TV sitcom, didn't have any clear plot.) A later evolution of the campaign showed celebrities and everyday people proudly proclaiming "I'm a PC."

The effort was supposed to counter a long-running Apple campaign that personifies its Mac as a cool guy and a Windows PC as dork. Yet, many found the Seinfeld/Gates ads confusing. The follow-up "I'm a PC" ads were no match for Apple's wry commercials.

"Apple continues to succeed with witty, hip advertising and deft copywriting, while Microsoft comes off like a bald guy with a bad comb-over," Debbie Williamson, a senior analyst at research firm eMarketer, says of the ads from agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

This campaign "feels a little sad and desperate," says Gene Lewis, creative director at Web-focused marketing firm Digital Pulp.

Most cost-effective use of media

Apple's response to Microsoft was two simple ads that mocked the computer giant for spending on advertising, instead of using the cash to fix technical issues with its Windows Vista operating system. It was a cheap, effective campaign that got tons of publicity and online buzz. (And Apple didn't have to shell out for a big-name spokesperson, it just recast its PC and Mac ad characters and wrote a clever script.)

"This year Apple's comeback to Microsoft's over-hyped Jerry Seinfeld and 'I'm A PC' ads was brilliant," says Sal Taibi, president of ad agency Lowe New York.

Those response ads were incredibly effective in portraying Microsoft as "out of touch," says Marti Barletta, CEO of The TrendSight Group.

Best use of a company executive to regain faith in a floundering industry

At a time when most folks don't trust corporate leaders, Charles Schwab put its founder on the front lines. In TV ads, the company chairman addressed topics such as "How can I put my faith in an economy that has let me down?"

The ads, from ad agency Euro RSCG, weren't glitzy, or even remotely entertaining. But with 401(k)s down 45%, we don't want fun. We want straight talk. The reaction from ad exec Headlam: "Wow, at least (Schwab) is being honest about the economy."

Best campaign that touts the value of a high-end product

Tiffany & Co. takes top honors in this category, says Richard Kirshenbaum, co-chairman of ad agency Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners. "The most recent print campaign with the tag line 'Dreams Can Still Come True' shows the iconic Tiffany brand is still attainable this holiday season," he says. "The campaign combines an aspirational product, reasonable entry price, great photography and the Tiffany Blue."

Other text in Tiffany ads: "For less than you imagined, the best there is."

Despite the economic downturn, John Malarkey, creative director at YRG/Portland, says Tiffany's stylish newspaper ads make him momentarily forget about all the financial woes out there. "Three seconds looking at the ad and I feel good about spending $500,000 on a necklace," he says.

Catchiest jingle about tough times

OK, so the service isn't exactly free — which has caused a bit of controversy — but's ads do provide some cheap entertainment. TV spots from The Martin Agency show a group of guys who sing about how bad credit affected their lives.

The ads have raised the ire of consumer advocacy groups. They say the commercials are misleading because those who sign up for the service are automatically enrolled in a credit-monitoring service that has a monthly fee.

Yet, they're still a pop-culture hit.

USA TODAY reader Randy S. Mitchell of Anthem, Ariz., says the ditty about a restaurant worker who has to dress like a pirate has him "singing along" in the same way one would harmonize with Burger King's "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us," and McDonald's "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles" tunes.

Unsolicited advice for financial marketers in 2009

Looking back, it's easy to see just how many financial industry slogans from the past few years were scarily off track. Consider: Washington Mutual's "Whoo Hoo," Citi's "Live Richly" and Merrill Lynch's "bullish"-themed ads that played off its trademark bull icon. So, in the sprit of a clean slate for the new year, we asked marketing executives to come up with some slogans and tag lines for 2009. Among the responses:

•"Recession Hurts. Bernanke Can Help," from Debbie Williamson, a senior analyst at research firm eMarketer, who puts a twist on Cymbalta's "Depression hurts" ads and gives a shout-out to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

•"Still Better Odds Than Las Vegas," from John Malarkey, creative director at ad agency YRG.

•"Trust, Like Money, Must Be Earned," from Chris Bragas, CEO of Eastwest Marketing Group. He also suggests "Bank Account-able," "Bleaching White Collars Clean" and "Want Straight Talk? Save It!"

•"Chill Out, People. In the Long Run, We're All Dead," offers up Rob Bagot, chief creative officer at McCann Worldgroup San Francisco, who says he's putting a "modern spin" on the John Maynard Keynes quote, "In the long run, we're all dead."